Our Mission

We strive to be a blessing by speaking the truth of God's Word, by leading times of praise and worship, and by presenting the good news about Jesus boldly and clearly.

Galatians 5:25 drives our action-oriented approach to ministry:

"Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."


Will you consider one of the following ways to partner with us in our ministry to those with need in Columbia?

Prayer Partners/Warriors - Are you willing to pray for 4 specific people daily?

Financial Investors - Are you willing to give money on whatever basis you wish (weekly, monthly, etc.)?

Time Investors - Are you willing to come at least one Sunday per month, listen to the homeless members of our community, and pray with them on the spot if you feel led to do so?

Donations - Are you willing to donate items from a list of needs?

Gatherers - Are you willing to pick up donated items and take them to a designated location so that the homeless can get the needed item?

Technology Angels - Are you willing to help with Social Security issues/obtaining IDs, or even unemployment if possible?


Join the team of subscribers who stay in the loop about the ministry and needs of The Real Church and those who benefit from our presence. We send out regular updates about what God is doing. Will you subscribe?

The Real Church
Email: gorealchurch@gmail.com